Crypto VC Firm Blockchain Capital Secures $580 Million to Expand Investment Funds

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Blockchain Capital, a venture capital firm, has successfully closed two new funds and raised a total of US$580 million. The company was founded in 2013 by Bart Stephens and Brad Stephens and has since made investments in the blockchain sector.

The company's general partner, Spencer Bogart, confirmed the successful fundraising to TechCrunch and explained that the funds consisted of a sixth seed fund and the company's first “opportunity fund.” The Seed Fund, to which approximately two-thirds of the funds raised will be allocated, will focus on investments in newer companies and protocols during the pre-seed and Series A funding rounds. The Opportunity Fund, which will receive the remaining third of the funds, will target late-stage investments from Series B onwards. It will be a venture capital fund, which will be managed by a portfolio management company.

Blockchain Capital plans to allocate the funds to six main sectors: decentralized finance, centralized finance, centralized infrastructure, decentralized infrastructure, gaming and consumer/social. Through this strategic portfolio allocation, the company aims to remain at the “cutting edge” of innovation within the blockchain ecosystem.

Blockchain Capital's investor base consists of strategic limited partners (LPs) such as Visa and PayPal, as well as long-term committed capital from companies such as university foundations, family offices and sovereign wealth funds. According to Bogart, strategic partners like Visa and PayPal are more active and want Blockchain Capital to be their eyes and ears on the ground and help them find potential collaborations.

The opportunity fund is used to invest in projects that the company may have missed in its first rounds of financing. In this way, Blockchain Capital can continue to participate in the growth and development of these projects, even if it was not involved from the beginning.

Bogart highlighted that Blockchain Capital now plays a leading role in most financing rounds, providing more than 50% of the funding. The company also helps influence the setting of prices, the development of term sheets and the guarantee of seats on the board of directors.

Looking ahead, Blockchain Capital plans to continue investing in blockchain-based startups and stay true to its core business. The Company does not intend to diversify into other sectors or investment strategies.

Overall, Blockchain Capital's fundraising success underlines the confidence in the blockchain sector and shows that investors are still ready to invest in innovative projects. With these two new funds, Blockchain Capital will strengthen its position as a leading investor in the blockchain ecosystem.