immigration: definition


Immigration is a complex and multi-faceted subject. Definitions are numerous and often divergent, depending on political, economic or social points of view. Immigration can be seen as a population movement, an economic phenomenon, a social issue or even a political issue.

In this article, we will try to define what immigration is, highlighting the different possible approaches. Next, we will give some examples of famous immigrants, in order to show that immigration is an ancient and complex phenomenon.

The question of immigration: definitions and examples

Immigration is an extremely complex and controversial subject. In this article, we will try to define what is generally meant by immigration, and give some concrete examples.

Immigration can be defined as leaving one's country of origin to live in another country. This can be motivated by various reasons, such as looking for a job, escaping conflict or persecution, or simply the desire to discover new horizons.

In some cases, immigration is legal and immigrants can obtain a residence visa or work permit. In other cases, it is illegal and immigrants must hide to avoid deportation.

Immigrants can be classified into different categories, depending on their status and situation. Migrant workers are, for example, those who have left their country in order to find work. Refugees are those who have fled conflict or persecution in their country of origin.

Immigration can have positive or negative effects on the host country, depending on the circumstances. For example, it can contribute to the economic dynamism of a country, by bringing new skills and new talents. It can also create social tensions, particularly when immigrants are seen as competitors in the labor market.

Ultimately, immigration is an extremely complex phenomenon, which arouses as much apprehension as it does hope. The debates on this subject are passionate, and it is not always easy to navigate them. We hope that this article has helped you see things more clearly.

Immigration in question: definitions and examples

Immigration is a highly controversial topic today. Most people have strong opinions on the subject, without really knowing the facts. Many confuse immigration with illegal immigration, but they are two very different things. Legal immigration is the process by which a person leaves their country of origin to settle in another country, in accordance with the laws of the latter. Illegal immigration, on the other hand, is the process by which a person enters a country without respecting that country's laws. Legal immigration is perfectly legal, while illegal immigration is a criminal act.

People immigrate for many reasons, including economic, political or social ones. For example, people may leave their home country to find a better paying job in another country. People may also leave their home country to escape poverty, violence or difficult political conditions. Some even immigrate within their own country, for example when they move from a rural area to a large city.

Immigration is a complex subject and there is no single definition of immigration. People immigrate for many different reasons and these reasons vary between individuals. However, legal immigration is always governed by the laws of the receiving country and illegal immigration is a criminal act.

Encyclopedia of immigration: definitions and examples is a work that allows you to better understand the phenomenon of immigration. It gives precise definitions and concrete examples which allow us to better understand the issues surrounding this question.