Game developers complain that Xbox's Series S is holding back the potential of new next-gen games, while others, like Ian Maclure (a VFX artist who worked on I Am Fish), say their argument doesn't. This is not valid since “most of these games also come to PC and must already cover a wide variety of configurations”. Let's take a look at why exactly game developers have been calling for the Xbox Series S's mandatory requirements to be dropped.
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What's wrong with Xbox Series S?
Display and performance
While the console is significantly less expensive than the Series X, it operates with significantly lower specifications (1440p instead of the 4K of more powerful consoles). With this drop in power between consoles, game developers must go through a longer development process to get their games running on both. Unfortunately for the Xbox Series S, this usually means it's going to lose something in favor of something else.
If the studio wants its game to be smoother, the developers will have to sacrifice the graphics of their game, but if they want a clearer image to give us the best possible visual experience, the developers will choose to sacrifice the quality of the movements, well that the difference is not so obvious that it makes the games completely unplayable.
Lee Devonald, senior technical character artist at Rocksteady, told Gamerant: “I would like players to understand what 60fps means, in terms of all the things they lose to make the game run that fast. Especially considering the fact that we have a current-gen console that isn’t much better than a last-gen console.”
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Memory constraints
While the Xbox Series , which leaves players with only 360 GB of usable space, and this is what causes the biggest problems for developers when creating games for both consoles.
Digital Foundry's Alexander Battaglia said: “Many developers told us that they felt like the Series S was a bit of a pain at times – not because of the CPU (central processing unit) power or the GPU (graphics processing unit), but rather because of memory constraints. ”
Not only do they need to be able to adapt to the small console, but they also need to ensure that the game will still work on the small console.
Microsoft attempted to address this issue by releasing a gaming SDK last June, saying it would give “developers greater control over memory, which can improve graphics performance under bandwidth throttling conditions.” memory”.
Despite developer complaints, the Xbox Series S outsold the Series X in a few cases during both consoles' first year.
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