Esotericism: definition


Esotericism is an enigmatic, usually secret doctrine or tradition that involves specific concepts and practices. Esotericism has a long and rich history, and its practices are varied. Esotericism can be a source of wisdom and knowledge, but it can also be dangerous. It is important to understand what esotericism is before embarking on this path.

Esotericism: definition and history

Esotericism is a school of thought and a spiritualist practice which affirms the possibility of accessing hidden or transcendent levels of reality. The term comes from the ancient Greek “esôterikos”, meaning “the one who is within”. Esotericism is thus opposed to “exotericism”, a term designating concepts and practices accessible to the general public.

Esotericism is a globally optimistica worldview, since it postulates the existence of an ultimate truth hidden behind appearances. This truth, which escapes common sense, can be known through specific practices and appropriate initiation. According to esotericists, this knowledge would change the way we perceive the world and give us access to higher dimensions of reality.

Esotericism developed from different philosophical and religious traditions, including Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Jewish Kabbalah, Theosophy and Rosicrucianism. In the 20th century, it was popularized by figures like Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and Aleister Crowley.

Esotericism is characterized by an individualistic approach to spirituality, a valorization of subjectivity and intuition, as well as a pronounced taste for mystery and secrecy. Esotericists often favor personal and interior experience over theoretical knowledge. The most common esoteric practices concern meditation, concentration, visualization, symbolism and rituals.

Esotericism: the different practices

Esotericism is a set of beliefs and practices that focus on the most mysterious and metaphysical aspects of life. These practices can include things like meditation, divination, magic, etc. Followers of esotericism believe that these practices allow them to access higher knowledge and powers, and to connect to invisible forces.

Esotericism is an ancient tradition that has been practiced in many cultures around the world. Some of the most famous figures in esotericism are alchemists, kabbalists, mages, sorcerers and shamans. These characters were at the origin of many esoteric beliefs and practices, and helped to popularize esotericism among the general public.

Today, esotericism is a living and thriving tradition, which attracts more and more adherents. Many people are attracted to the idea of ​​being able to access secret knowledge and mysterious powers, and to connect to unseen forces. Some practice esotericism to expand their consciousness and perception of the world, and others see it as a way to heal themselves and others. Whatever the reason, esotericism continues to fascinate and attract many people around the world.

Esotericism is a set of mystical beliefs and practices aimed at achieving higher knowledge. It is an ancient tradition, which has evolved over the centuries and adapted to various cultures. Esotericists aim to transcend the limits of ordinary consciousness and access hidden knowledge. To do this, they use different techniques, such as meditation, prayer, concentration, visualization or the use of symbols.